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Doctor with Files


What is an echo?

An echocardiogram, often called an "echo," offers a safe, painless, and informative ultrasound scan that provides valuable insights into its structure and function.

These images allow me, as your cardiologist, to assess:

  • The size and shape of your heart chambers

  • The thickness and movement of your heart walls

  • The functioning of your heart valves

  • Blood flow within your heart

  • The presence of any abnormalities, such as blood clots or tumors

What to expect during your echo

You'll lie comfortably on your left side on an examination table.

  • Electrodes may be attached to your chest to monitor your heart rhythm.

  • A trained technician will gently move a transducer (probe) across your chest, sending sound waves into your heart.

  • The sound waves bounce off your heart structures and create images displayed on a monitor.

  • The entire procedure usually takes 30-45 minutes and is completely painless.

Beyond the test: Your role in understanding the results

After the test, I will:

  • Analyze the images thoroughly.

  • Explain the results in a clear and understandable way.

  • Discuss any implications for your diagnosis and treatment plan.

  • Answer any questions you may have.

Remember, an echocardiogram is just one piece of the puzzle. By working together, we can use this information to ensure your heart receives the best possible care.

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